
The following was reported by Informed Delivery and is of USPS receivables.

Also, an item, package delivery.

We received six items altogether, five from the mailbox and one from the front door.

The above items list six items. Two of the items have "what seem to be" duplicates. However, one of them, mine, is not a duplicate; they are two separate items, even if they seem "to be" duplicates. Also, the other item may be duplicated because we only received one.

Nonetheless, even if the six items above plus the package delivery total seven items, we received six items: five of those items above and a package delivery.

So, tedious help for all the symbolic notations.

Have A Nice Day!


  1. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0DBCXn1ne8MJqEwKAWPSZmu2CDnaUy1JDXA8jibNzK2NejKC8sxuTU6v5yoPaDVMgl&id=100063710063484


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