
Hello, today's pretty simple.

Received six items total from the mailbox, 4 usual items from the mailbox, and for the other two, two package items from the mailbox; nonetheless, six items total from the mailbox.

As I have been saying, these are USPS receivables reported via Informed Delivery.

The following are actually the item notifications from USPS, Informed Delivery, and if requested, Notification from your own email account, as such here goes the item notifications:

Once again, looking closely, there are six items indicated. Two of the items indicated are mine, and I have received them, but one item indicated above has yet to be received. Also, however, the six items indicated and the six items I received are equal. 
Take note: One of the items indicated above has not been received, and one of the items received has not been indicated.
I guess you can say that, for this round, the indicated Dog Bite Mailer and the received pack of News Paper Clipping Coupons Ads are the culprits (there is a need for compliance adjustment when there is awareness about disputed claims for discrepancies).

*Quick Note to self - think Frequently Asked Questions, something to the effect.*  --  Though for me; just being a bit conservative...*


  1. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0ptb3S1qzWbfQDTmzyKMwAcEsWpnrpVJEC66jYxp6NzsqRQ8KcFywsDRtDAW1QFiVl&id=100063443065149


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